Saturday, April 01, 2006

Biography: Stack Solo

The controls of a starfreighter were nothing new to Stack Solo. Stack was the son of a skilled freighter pilot, and spent a great deal of his early life on freighters with him, as the family had no permanent residence. His father made deliveries from one side of the galaxy to the other, making for excessively long hyperspace journeys during which Stack spent a great deal of time on internal reflection, pondering the galaxy at large and working to keep physically in shape. As an Advozse, Stack is somewhat short in stature, and the aural sensitivity granted him by the species’ ears, as well as the good eyesight garnered from the characteristic Advozsec large eyes gave him remarkable abilities as a freighter pilot when it came to spotting things in the bleak, dark, blackness of space, where oftentimes one had only their sensors and eyesight to rely on, but all senses proved crucial during combat.
Stack showed promise as a combat freighter pilot from a young age, and was among the best the instructor had ever seen when his father took him to a combat simulator as a lifeday present during his teenage years. His father’s dream of teaching his son to be among the greatest freighter pilots the galaxy over, however, was cut tragically short. A series of cascade failures disabled the particle shielding around the freighter as it was prematurely pulled from hyperspace by a false signal in the gravitic mass pulse detector. The bridge section carrying his father and mother was immediately burned away, and the hull heated to intense temperatures almost too hot for any sentient being to survive. Fighting the pain, Stack made his way to the auxiliary bridge and steered the freighter away from the sun just before the freighter would have been too deep into its gravity well to have made it out intact. Although he survived, Stack suffered massive burns to most of his exposed skin, leaving him horribly disfigured and in a coma. Nearly a week later, a passing ship caught the distress signal that Stack had managed to activate before he slipped into unconsciousness, and found the young Advosze aboard, unconscious. Thankfully, the passing craft was a medical ship, and the surgeons aboard were able to reconstruct much of his face and hands, although he still looks almost nothing like an Advosze.
Expressing his gratitude to those who had saved his life, Stack agreed to assist them in delivering medical supplies to outer rim colonies as a bush pilot. While to him the pay seemed meager, the rewards as he saw them were infinite; he placed a high value on saving lives, and with this bush pilot job he had the opportunity to do so while still flying freighters, as he had done all his life. His heart sank, however, when the medical company providing the supplies to the unfortunate outer rim citizens went under, and he was forced to once again take to the stars in search of a more meaningful existence. Stack soon found work in a coreward starport running Adegan crystals back and forth across the Talsnik run, one of the more dangerous gravitic anomalies in the galaxy. He gained something of a reputation for being one of the more active pilots in responding to distress calls in the Talsnik run, having rescued distressed freighter pilots whose overconfidence nearly led to their demise on more than one occasion.


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