Sunday, April 02, 2006

GNS: Another Example of my GTP Work

Title: Vodo Bonias: Xenophile?

It is common knowledge that the xenophobic Galactic Empire has been carrying out campaigns of destruction against nonhumans throughout the galaxy since its inception. The Empire does not recruit aliens, nor does it allow them to enlist. These minor war crimes aside, is it possible that Emperor Vodo Bonias lacked discretion when he found himself with an alluring Neimodian female in a compromising position?

Lord Vodo, Master of the Dark Side, is currently being taken to court for emotional turmoil, reckless abandonment, and welfare neglect by a child which genetic tests have found to contain partly human, and partly Neimodian DNA. Is this the coming of a new era for the Galactic Empire? An age of harmony, collaboration, and acceptance? Unfortunately, the answer is a resounding “No”. According to insider sources, Lord Bonias has stated in the courtroom that the child is a great danger to the reputation of his beloved Empire, not to mention his own, and that the case is “absurd”, and there is “no proof”, despite overwhelming genetic evidence.

The child’s biological mother, a certain Kardala Bempala, claims that after she and the Emperor embraced, he simply abandoned her, not even having the common courtesy to leave his comm channel, much less send her a holomessage. She raised Vodo Jr. from birth.

Vodo Jr., a…interesting-looking being with a disproportionately large green head, four fingers on each hand, and broad shoulders, claims that the nature of his birth has left him horribly disfigured, and that he has suffered emotional turmoil at the hands of his peers. Furthermore, he claims that his mother was barely able to support him and herself on the wages she brought in as a secretary at the Trade Federation headquarters.

It is thought by some that perhaps this court case has been going on for longer than anyone knew, and that it is one of the reasons for the rising tensions between the Trade Federation and Galactic Empire.


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