Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Brief Timeline of the Dorn Family History

*means something has already been written about.

a) Falin's father Shrav dies at the hands of Imperial Stormtroopers.*

b) Falin and his mother Adeena relocate to Belsavis, where Adeena's father lives.

c) Belsavis plunges into Civil War shortly before Falin is born.*

d) Adeena and her father arrive on Coruscant. Falin is born.

e) Adeena's father dies while attempting to prevent her from being mugged. Adeena plunges into a spice dependency shortly afterwards.

f) Falin scrounges a living for years, and hitches a ride on a tramp freighter to Hapes as he sees that his mother's spice dependency is leading her on a path that could easily get the both of them killed.*


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